
We are looking for someone who can provide a unique experience to our customers. It starts before they buy any product by replying in a kind, courteous, and professional way (emails, messages, phone calls ..), follow up during their order process through exchange of appropriate documents (quotes / invoices / receipts) to feedback after delivery.

With the actual sanitary conditions, the job will be three days work at office (Vivéa Business Park) mainly for meetings (2-3 hours) then work from home between 09h00 – 17h00 (Mon to Fri).

All required equipment provided : laptop / mobile phone.

Salary is based upon deliverables – include presence / performance bonus.

Applications can be made (with CV attachments) to this link : https://airtable.com/shrsfYSqfhKEtkleq

About IKES

IKES is a startup incorporated in 2019 and prized the same year by La Turbine (ENL) for the business plan presented : Professional woodworkers recycle wooden pallets into quality furniture at an affordable, delivered at the doorstep of our customers.

In 2020, IKES was laureate for the Challenge des 1000 entrepreneurs - Sommet Afrique France.

An innovative aspect of IKES is to manufacture daily use products in ready to assemble KITS. The first ones were launched in 2020 and by 2024, IKES is expected to export the DIY kits on the African continent.